Looking for baby ear piercing? Lobe piercing? Something a bit more exotic? We do it all. As state-certified advanced body modification technicians, we can perform any type of piercing you can dream up.
There’s more to your ear than just your ear lobe, so feel free to get creative!
Multiple lobe piercings Want a single piercing in each earlobe? How about a double, triple, or quadruple piercing arrangement in each lobe? Want to go asymmetrical and get two piercings in one lobe and three in the other? You can totally do that too. Get as creative as you like!
Daith piercing Just behind the ear canal, there’s a fold of cartilage that can accommodate a piercing or two, depending on its size. This particular piercing almost looks as though it’s floating in the center of the ear.
Tragus piercing Just in front of the opening of the ear canal is a small piece of cartilage that looks almost like a triangle. It’s what helps keep earbuds inside your ear. This small section of cartilage is called the tragus and it can accommodate one to two piercings, depending on its size.
Anti-tragus piercing The anti-tragus is a small section of cartilage that sits just across from the tragus, right above the earlobe. It can accommodate a piercing or two, depending on size, and many people choose to get tragus and anti-tragus piercings together to complement one another.
Conch/Auricle piercing This piercing goes through the auricle (also known as the pinna) of the ear, which is the thick, outer sweep of cartilage attached to the inner cup of the ear. You can opt for an inner or outer conch piercing or get both areas pierced — whatever you like best!
Rook piercing A rook piercing goes through the inner portion of the small section of cartilage that sits near the topmost ridge of the ear. This area sits just above where a daith piercing would sit.
Helix piercing Helix piercings sit above the tragus, anywhere in the upper half of the ear’s cartilage. This area can accommodate multiple piercings stacked on top of one another, depending on its size. Many people choose a double or triple helix piercing to make the area really stand out.
Orbital piercing Orbitals consist of two separate piercing holes connected by a single piece of ring jewelry. Many people choose to get this type of piercing in the helix region, but it can also be done in other areas like the upper cartilage, conch, or rook, depending on the ear’s shape.
Earlobe stretching (gauging) Lobe stretching gradually increases the width of a lobe piercing to create a gauged earlobe. Beginners typically start with a 16 gauge earring and gradually increase the size from there.